The materials below are to document the atrocities committed by the Egyptian Authorities, and the footage may contains graphic and disturbing content that may not be suitable for all viewers.
As the years go by, they hope the world will forget, that history will be rewritten in their favor, painting them as saviors rather than oppressors. Yet, our collective conscience will not allow this. The bloodshed, the crimes, the suffering – these are not erasable.
how is that related to the ongoing Genocide in Gaza?
On August 14, 2013, Egyptian security forces, under the direct orders of then-Defense Minister Abdel Fattah el-Sisi and Interior Minister Mohamed Ibrahim, brutally massacred at least 817 peaceful protesters in Rabaa Square, Nasr City, Cairo.
This violent crackdown, documented extensively by Human Rights Watch as an example,
stands as one of the most egregious crimes against humanity in modern Egyptian history. Despite the overwhelming evidence, the masterminds and perpetrators of this horrific massacre continue to hold positions of power, and justice remains elusive.